"Connecting better is living better"

It's not hard to be a Young Person, is it?

Okay, joking aside: It is! It can be exciting and challenging as teens and young adults learn and become who they are. And the quality of their connections with family, friends, and others is crucial in helping them navigate this transitional time in their lives. In fact, teens and young adults tell us their relationships and connections are central to their lives.

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Life's Distractions

It is almost inevitable to get caught up in the whirlwind of life. We get caught up in challenges and trying to achieve more and we get distracted from what matters most. So how do we get our bearings? How do we navigate through the whirlwind to more meaningful living?

Fulfillment Through Better Connections

Traditional wisdom and science tell us that people with more positive connections

  • feel more happiness, joy, and purpose in life
  • do better in school and have more fulfillment at work
  • are more fulfilled in their extracurricular activities
  • have more confidence and lower anxiety and depression
  • live longer, healthier lives

In other words, relationships and connections are embedded into every aspect of our lives, and they make life better in every way!

Parents - On the Importance of Connection

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If Relationships and Connections are so important, make them a priority! How?

Follow what inspires you! Change something!
Hug your kid(s) - every day - love and celebrate them!
Carve out meaningful time to be with your family and help them connect better with others!
Read and get inspired about connection and relationships!
Click here to see some resources we recommend
Let's Go
Try Connection Coaching for your teens, or yourself!
Click here to learn more
Let's Go
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